31 May 2012

good-bye high school

my graduation will be held this saturday! good bye, high school~~

rasanya kemarin baru ujian nasional, baru kenal anak IPA 5, baru masuk BK, baru ujian praktek, baru pelantikan jadi wakil majalah sekolah :’) aku yakin, nanti yang bakalan aku kangenin itu pak Hendry, bu Nining, bu Kris, tante kantin.

Kenapa pak Hendry?
Dia guru fisika yang sukanya bikin deg-deg-an, ga beda jauh ama guru bahasa di SMP pak Madyo.lol. dia juga pernah nyita hapeku gara-gara ada foto 2min pelukan :” di kira mereka gay dan aku mendukung gay. Gw ga suka gay pak.. cuma sering baca komik yaoi /salah
Sayangnya sahabatku ga bisa datang wisuda soalnya mau test UHT. Good luck!
Kemarin juga beli heels di ciputra, lucu, aku suka warnanya,black. Ha-ha-ha, haknya 7 cm *hening
Jumat ini mau gladi bersih. Tapi aku sendiri gatau buat apa gladi bersih :|
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wish me luck :]

Hari ini pendaftaran SNMPTN 2012 terakhir :]
X: Mey lu udah daftar?
M: Hooo sudah donk, mey cantik gitu /dor
X: Terus daftar mana aja?
M: Seperti biasa, IPC. Yang pertama cita-cita, kedua realita, ketiga kenyataan(?)
X: Yaudah gw doain yang cita-cita yang diterima

Yes, I choose veterinary for my first option, and law and Chinese literature.
Lately, I joined with my teacher’s camp (my brother was in there too, but im not). Pas sore itu di sms di ajakin ikut ke camp deket bandara, aku sih mau aja. Cuma gak tau mau bawa buku apa. Alhasil cuma bawa alat tulis, buku kosong,notesku dan badan. Sampai di sana, abangku langsung teriak kaget. Soalnya aku dating ga ngasih tau dia. Dia bilang kalo baju dia abis (suruh sapa ga nyuruh bawain =_=).
            Disana langsung belajar fisika. Namanya mey gitu, mana bisa serius.. aku baca buku soal bahasa inggris, terus kok tiba-tiba campnya sepi .. ternyata semua pada ngeliatin aku :| oke, ternyata aku di suruh ikutan belajar fisika. Kalo ga di kasih tau mana aku tau.hish. siapa lagi yang berani marahin aku kecuali abangku, dia mukul buku yang ku baca =______________= alhasil aku ikut bahas fisika dengan muka polos..
            Jadi, camp-nya itu dari hari senin sampe sabtu, jadi sabtu abangku di rumah. Jujur aku galau pas di tinggal mama papaku ke jawa tengah dan abangku di camp. AKU HOME ALONE.. GA JUGA SIH, DI TEMENIN KUCING-KUCING. Pokoknya intinya galau =_=; soalnya biasanya yang aku ajakin ngobrol, berantem itu cuma abangku. Abang pertamaku udah meninggal dulu pas aku masih kecil (curcol).
            Okhay.. abangku (menurutku) kebanyakan belajar di sana =_=; pulang-pulang ke rumah menunjukkan tanda-tanda sinting :| dia minta nomor sahabat-sahabat aku *hening*. Mana dia genit sumpah. Pas les di Pak Heru, dia cubit lenganku sambil bilang, “duh adek aku udah gede, badannya juga gede”. Dalam hati ku cuma bilang “nih bocah sinting..”
            Aku bentar lagi kuliah /tearsofjoy/
            Dan (kemungkinan) beda kota sama sama kakakku,
            Dan (kemungkinan) ngekos
            Dan banyak kemungkinan lainnya..
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23 May 2012

인피니트, 짱 !!

BORED TO HELL, and see some of capt comeback stage/mv from 인피니트~ *love*

[sorry too lazy to edit it *slapped]

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yesh i'm bit being over lately because of high school will be over soon [?] 

let's talk about something stupid doest exist in my life lately..

1. poser
2. liar
3. back stabber (i think it does exist over past 10 years ago?)

okhay, i dont give a shit to them anymore. wont. did you really need to kepo-ing someone 'till get point about their family. cuma bapak ibu saya aja yang cukup kepo-in saya..... *pokerface*


and yesterday, i went out with my brother. he's going insane, i think its because of his daily routine full of studying[?] well im going to university soon. but i still understand how to have fun :))

brother: sis, gimme ur girl friend's phone number?
me: wth

-2min pass-

bro: sis, gimme ur best friend phone number

-over 4min-

bro: dont you wanna see me hangout with girl?
me: pathetic. go find ur love by ur self 

and i told my mom whats going on with him =_____= and she just : oh, okhay.

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10 May 2012



Q---Q aku lupa nomor unasku..
aku lupa password + email twitter RPku
aku lupa naruh hapeku yang satunya
untungnya aku ga lupa namaku siapa
*head bang*
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8 May 2012

tue,May 8-2.06 am

I cant sleep.. suddenly i remember Mr Andhie, Mr Mono and Luhan(rp) in my ent rp that im join..
gosh.. i was in Surabaya and ran out of battery : |
Ian got sick and hospitalized since april, if im not wrong.
typhus and what is that i really dont remember..

and we got bad news..
he passed away because of blockage of blood vessels :S
penyakit kaya gini pasti gara2 virus.. udah kena tipus, virus pula X_X


sekilas inget, jam 2 aku belum bisa tidur kaya sekarang.. 
pas itu adeknya yang online katanya mau katalk pake acc Ian(luhan rp). dia pake fotonya orang kaya bule x_x aish lupa lah aku.. trus ku panggil dia justin bieber. trus dia pake fotonya cowok 1 lagi, sorry amnesia aku.. gatau sapa gitu

besoknya, si Ian ngobrol sama aku dari subuh. dia katanya ga bisa tidur gara-gara abis jemput mamanya dari praktek dokter subuh. alhasil ngobrol deh kita. simple chat, dia bilang kalo mau kerja di kedubes, aku bilang aku juga mau kerja di kedubes tapi kedubes Jepang/China.
trus dia juga bilang kalo kakaknya pada jadi dokter, dia doang yang pindah haluan ambil HI
kita rencana magang di korea,di temen bapaknya.
kita rencana ngelamar kerja jadi cleaning service di Kedubes


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3 May 2012


mood ku rusak seketika kalo sendirian dirumah..
bener-bener rusak. serusak-rusaknya.

pernah kepikiran ga sih kalo ga selamanya orang yang bilang "iya gak papa" juga punya batas?
ok, sadar. aku juga cewek. se keras-kerasnyanya aku itu aku itu CEWEK.
lumrah cewek nangis.

kalo aku terusin berantemnya ga bakalan selesai.

silence sometimes is the best answer emang buat saat ini.


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Get to know yourself better

kkk~ iseng blog walking ke Reina. ada tes yang dulu kayanya pernah aku ikutin tapi lupa : ). alhasil re-test ulang
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

"am i really hiding my true self? lol. malah kayanya aku tipe orang blak-blakan"
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

"of course.. as long as i can"
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

"kkkkk~ gw gampang nyerah emang :B"
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

"this one..."
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

"iyep.. you-know-me-sow-wellll"

 Mau nyoba?
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